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With MacinTyre,bring you more comfortable and energy saving life!

麥金太爾擁有近百年的中央空調技術研發經驗,30年的客 戶定制化工程設計、安裝、維修服務經驗,遍布全球的專業 銷售隊伍。我們有實力為客戶提供完美的空調系統整體解決 方案,以專業的水準滿足客戶的需求。

麥金太爾在美國舊金山和中國設有制造工廠及技術研發中 心。麥金太爾亞太區總部設在上海,并在中國江蘇設有制造 工廠。目前,公司通過計算機三維設計技術,根據客戶需求 定制最合適中央空調機型,最大化節省空間資源和能源,并 且采用先進的機器人自動化流水線及加工設備生產高質量的 產品,同時提供專業貼心的維修保養售后服務。

快速發展中的MacinTyre 品牌中央空調正在不斷擴大市場 份額,全力為中國的節能減排計劃貢獻一份力量。

MacinTyre has 92 years of experience in R & D of central air conditioning technology, 30 years of experience in customized engineering design, installation and maintenance services, and a professional sales team all over the world. We have the strength to provide customers with a perfect overallsolutionof air conditioning system,so as to meet their needsat a professionallevel.

MacinTyre has a manufacturing facility and technology R & D center in San Francisco , US and China. MacinTyre Asia Pacific is headquartered in Shanghai and has manufacturing facilities in Jiangsu province, China. At present, the company has customized the most suitable central air-conditioning model accordingto the needs of customers through the computer threedimensional design technology,to maximize the saving of space resources and energy, and uses advanced robot automationassembly line and processing equipment to produce high-quality products, while providing professional and thoughtful after-sales service for maintenance.

The rapidly developingMacinTyre palm brand central air conditioner is expanding its market share and making full contribution to China's energy conservation and emission reduction plan.


With MacinTyre,bring you more comfortable and energy saving life!


With MacinTyre,bring you more comfortable and energy saving life!


With MacinTyre,bring you more comfortable and energy saving life!

区。| 新密市| 无锡市| 苏尼特左旗| 盘锦市| 台北市| 馆陶县| 永康市| 昌邑市| 屏南县| 福贡县| 东安县| 商水县| 彭州市| 桃江县| 星子县| 观塘区| 精河县| 安康市| 雷山县| 鄱阳县| 翁牛特旗| 东乡| 盐山县| 兴山县| 宣汉县| 台山市| 将乐县| 那坡县| 富阳市| 嘉义市| 佛山市| 班玛县| 兴业县| 黎川县| 昂仁县| 华安县| 峡江县| 鱼台县| 南郑县| 遂川县|